g2lab Media Clips 

A video recording of an interview with Jochen Schiewe on current trends in Cartography - on the occasion of INTERGEO 2019
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A video recording of an interview with Jochen Schiewe on current trends in Cartography - on the occasion of INTERGEO 2017
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A video recording of a presentation given by Jochen Schiewe on collaborative and interactive work with atlases
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A video recording of a presentation given by Jochen Schiewe on uncertainty in media maps (October 22, 2015) - starting at minute 3:40
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A radio interview with Beate Weninger, Jochen Schiewe and Johannes Kröger on sound and color in maps - broadcasted on NDR Info (August 23, 2013) 
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A radio interview with Jochen Schiewe on uncertainty information and trust in maps - broadcasted on Deutschlandfunk (August 29, 2013) 
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A radio interview with Jochen Schiewe and Johannes Kröger on maps that help people with color vision deficiency - broadcasted on Deutschlandfunk (September 30, 2013)
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Together with the newspaper WELT g2lab has developed new views of the river Elbe, showing the riverbed in a couple of 3D interactive views and videos.

Multimedia special (WELT)