Overlay of BMVI geodata with different reference geometries (UeGeo)

A spatial reā€organization (areal interpolation) of attribute data becomes necessary when multiple data sets are merged. However, these data sets are very often attached to different reporting zones. By using a simple area weighting approach for disaggregation purposes, significant over- and underestimation is a recurring problem. Therefore, ancillary weighting information such as additional attributes or population distribution can be introduced into corresponding interpolation algorithms, assuming the user’s knowledge and understanding of these approaches. Expanding the research focus and software product generated within the project CoGran (Combining data of different spatial granularity) UeGeo intends to further develop the implemented methods for spatial reorganization.

The project’s aim is to provide a detailed and validated concept for an extended toolbox to enhance usability and guide users in their endeavors.

The applicable methods will be examined for their required input and desired outcome to give users task-oriented and data-based recommendations for specific purposes. Furthermore, comparison and assessment of computation results will be enabled by documenting and visualizing the associated uncertainties.

This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The mFUND-program promotes the scope of the BMVI’s extensive open source data research platform mCloud. Likewise, UeGeo will be made available publicly/openly. Exemplarily employed data derived from mCloud is used to demonstrate UeGeo’s applicability to provide users with highly useful services to gain new insights by intersecting different spatially overlapping data sets.

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